Dramaturgy and Direction by Vlad Scolari
With Tecla Annibali, Irene Arpe, Deborah Boltri, Vanessa Costa, Daniele De Carolis, Giosué Facciolà, Davide Indovino, Eleonora Ingannamorte, Simona Lenoci, Dina Mohamed, Umberto Narduzzi, Luigi Vittoria.
Wasabi Produzioni - Dopolavoro Stadera
Milano, Pacta Salone, 25 maggio 2018
Dopo Lavoro Stadera
This is a long, moving reportage of the wonderful piece "Resistenze" by Vlad Scolari with the collaboration of the theatrical community born in 2016 in the edge of town, which he directs. These images tell the story of resistance during the Second World War and retraces the dramatic moments that lead to the Liberation of 25 April 1945 (known in Italy as "Festa della liberazione del 25 Aprile"). Every image has many meanings and you can find a link between the dramatic tale and its universal significance.
Dramaturgy and Direction by Vlad Scolari
With Tecla Annibali, Irene Arpe, Deborah Boltri, Vanessa Costa, Daniele De Carolis, Giosué Facciolà, Davide Indovino, Eleonora Ingannamorte, Simona Lenoci, Dina Mohamed, Umberto Narduzzi, Luigi Vittoria.
Wasabi Produzioni - Dopolavoro Stadera
Milano, Pacta Salone, 25 maggio 2018
Dopo Lavoro Stadera
This is a long, moving reportage of the wonderful piece "Resistenze" by Vlad Scolari with the collaboration of the theatrical community born in 2016 in the edge of town, which he directs. These images tell the story of resistance during the Second World War and retraces the dramatic moments that lead to the Liberation of 25 April 1945 (known in Italy as "Festa della liberazione del 25 Aprile"). Every image has many meanings and you can find a link between the dramatic tale and its universal significance.