During the XVIII century sculptors in Europe are in search of simplicity and inspiration often comes from Greek and Roman culture. The ancient canons are copied or re-invented. The second half of the century is marked by the rise of Canova, who veritably redefined classical antiquity and dominated European sculpture at the end of the 17 and start of the 18 hundreds and remained a massive influence centuries after his death.

The human body is predominantly presented bare. Profane and sacred love are wrestle with each other. Allegorical meanings are scattered everywhere, myths are represented in a new idealistic way: the religious veils fall down.

This section will delight you with top artists such as: Antoine Coysevox (1640-1720), Nicolas Coustou (1658-1733), Vincenzo Foggini (first years of XVIII century -1755), Jean-Baptiste II Lemoyne (1704-1778), Ignace Broche (1741-1794), Joseph Nollekens (1737-1823), Nicolas François Gillet (1709-1791), Jean-Baptiste Stouf (1742-1826), Thomas Banks (1735-1805), Joseph Chinard (1756-1813), Camillo Pacetti (1758-1822), Giacomo Spalla (1775-1834),